昨晚我參加一個安全防範研習會。研習會由一位叫 Pat Malone的人主持,他是知名人士的保鑣,也曾為 FBI工作,教授警察及海軍的 SEALS徒手格鬥。 他的建議蠻實用,給各位參考。
1. 警方的提醒:手肘是身體最有力的部位。距離夠近,就善用手肘。
2. 假如歹徒向你要皮夾或錢包,不要遞給他,而是將皮夾或錢包往遠處丟去。歹徒很可能對財物比對你有興趣,他會去拿皮夾或錢包,這是你逃跑的機會。往反方向拼命跑。
3. 假如你被丟進車子的後車廂:把車後燈踢破,將你的手從洞中伸出去,用力揮手,駕駛人看不到你,但是其他人看得到。這個方法救過無數人命。
4. 許多人在購物、吃飯及下班後進入車子,坐在駕駛座上處理事情(如記帳、列清單等)。千萬不要這麼做,歹徒會藉機觀察情勢,闖入車內,拿槍威脅,控制你的行動。進入車內,立即鎖門,駛離現場。
5. 在平面停車場及立體停車場的幾個注意事項: A.要警覺:環顧四周;察看車內的乘客座和後座。(接近車子時,留意車底。) B.假如你的車子停在箱型車旁,則應該從乘客車門進入你的車子。許多連續殺人犯都是趁著女性要進入車中時,將她們拖進箱型車中加害。 C.觀察停放在你左右兩邊的車子。如果有男性單獨坐在最近的鄰車內,最好回到購物中心或辦公室,找保全人員或警察陪你回去。寧願防患未然,也不要終生遺憾。(大驚小怪總比喪命好。)
6. 永遠搭電梯,不要走樓梯。(樓梯間是一個可怕的地方,容易讓人形單影隻,變成最好的犯罪場所。)
7. 假如歹徒有槍而你並沒有受到他的控制,一定要跑!一百次中,只有四次歹徒會襲擊逃跑的目標;即使他攻擊你,大多不會是致命的部位,要跑!
8. 女性總是發揮同情心:不要再這樣!這樣會增加被強暴或是殺害的機會。一個叫泰得‧邦迪(Ted Bundy)的連續殺人犯就是一個相貌堂堂並且受過良好教育的人,總是利用女性的同情心。他走路時帶著一根手杖或是跛行,經常要求別人「幫忙」他進入車內或是看一下他的車子,趁機綁架受害者。
9.最近有人告訴我,他的朋友在晚上聽到門口有嬰兒在哭,不過當時已經很晚了,而且她認為這件事很奇怪,於是她打電話給警察。警察告訴她:「無論如何,絕對不要開門。」這位女士表示那聲音聽起來像是嬰兒爬到窗戶附近哭,她擔心嬰兒會爬到街上,被車子碾過。警察告訴她:我們已經派人前往,無論如何 不能開門。警方認為這是一個連續殺人犯,利用嬰兒哭聲的錄音帶,誘使女性以為有人在外面遺棄嬰兒,騙她們出門察看。雖然尚未證實此事,但是警方已經接到許多女性打電話來說,他們晚上獨自在家時,聽到門外有嬰兒的哭聲,請將這個消息傳給其他人,不要因為聽到嬰兒的哭聲而開門。 請嚴肅看待這封電子郵件,因為上禮拜六「美國頭號通緝犯」( America's Most Wanted)節目中,報導路易斯安那州的連續殺人犯時,提到了「哭泣嬰兒」的假設。
Defend Yourself from Bad Advice
Date Added: May 1, 2003
Last Updated: Sept. 11, 2007
Many e-mail urban legends portray women as particularly susceptible to the nefarious plots of anonymous madmen. Chain letters containing practical self-defense advice are popular, but often seem so unconventional that you can't help but question them.
I learned from my children's karate classes that the elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!
If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
Last night I attended a personal safety workshop, and it jolted me. It was given by an amazing man, Pat Malone, who has been a body guard for famous figures like Farrah Fawcett and Sylvester Stallone. He works for the FBI, and teaches police officers and Navy SEALS hand-to-hand combat. This man has seen it all, and knows a lot.
He focused his teachings to us on HOW TO AVOID BEING THE VICTIM OF A VIOLENT CRIME. He gave us some statistics about how much the occurrences of random violence have escalated over the recent years, and it's terrible.
Something like 99% of us will be exposed to, or become a victim of a violent crime. Here are some of the most important points that I got out of his presentation:
(1.) The three reasons women are easy targets for random acts of violence are:
(a.) Lack of Awareness: You MUST know where you are AND what's going on around you.
(b.) Body Language: Keep your head up, swing your arms, stand straight up!
(c.) Wrong Place - Wrong Time: DON'T walk alone in an alley, or drive in a bad neighborhood at night.
(2.) Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.). DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.
(a.) A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage: Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.
(b.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
(c.) Look at the car parked on the drivers side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (Better paranoid than dead.)
(3.) ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.)
(a.) Do not get on an elevator if there is a weirdo already on there. (Of course bad men don't always look bad.)
(b) Do not stand back in the corners of the elevator, be near the front, by the doors, ready to get off or on.
(c.) If you get on the elevator on the 25th floor, and someone suspicious gets on the 22nd, get off when he gets on.
看完整資訊請來此 http://www.breakthechain.org/exclusives/selfdefense2.html